Tips For Navigating the Holidays From a Place of Grief

Tips For Navigating the Holidays From a Place of Grief

Last year, I lost my dad in October. Among many things, this meant I would very quickly approach two major holidays without his presence. Naturally, I am absolutely gung-ho about every holiday there is (partially because delusions of grandeur, but alas) and so I...
What To Do About Your Friend That Hates Bey

What To Do About Your Friend That Hates Bey

As one of my fave Facebook comedians Trey Moe says, a Beyoncé fan is never safe for a timeline full of haters. And for what reason? I’m not really even sure. i don’t think they love themselves, but that’s probably another blog for another day. When I wrote my previous...
30 Positive Ways to Feel Like an Adult

30 Positive Ways to Feel Like an Adult

This past weekend I spent some time at the Starbucks Reserve on Legacy West. While enjoying gourmet sips on a patio (it was rare patio weather in Texas, YAS) and listening to jazz music from a nearby restaurant, I felt I was living my best adult life at the moment. As...